Hurray for early literacy! Here's a quick list of some of our family's favorite alphabet-related toys and what we love about them.
This oldie but goodie has been a huge hit in our house AND is probably the alphabet toy that prompts the most questions out of my little guy ("Mama, what this letter?" "Mama, which is me letter?")
Bonus: This set comes with lower case, numbers, and shape magnets (and they're soft!)
Anything that has wheels is a win for my son. This toy is fun in general, but these blocks also lend themselves pretty easily to talking about the alphabet as part of play (Example: "Can you hand me the 'L' Block please?" "This 'I' is yellow.")
An alphabet puzzle allows for some great sensory exposure to the alphabet! Little ones can feel the letter's shape and get some extra recognition practice when they have to place the letters in the correct spot.
My son has been using these blocks since before he was one-year-old. They're fun blocks in general, but they have the added bonus of exposing your kids to the alphabet and a corresponding word while they're playing!
For more literacy and alphabet-related content, check out:
About Mama Says
I'm Lauren, a wife and mom living in Texas. I love coffee dates, game nights, football season, and bike rides.
I heavily rely on the wisdom and knowledge of other moms. Whether it's a serious topic such as discipline or something more mundane (but just as vital to my sanity) like, "Is there a diaper that my son won't pee through in the middle of the night?!," my community of fellow moms has been vital. The motto for Mama Says is "leaning into everyday mom life," and I hope that the content here helps you in some small way as you work each day loving and raising little humans.
What you can expect from Mama Says- DIYs, recipes, kid product reviews, activity ideas, parenting tips and tricks, and regular life stuff.
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